I interviewed for a veterinarian that would be a staff veterinarian, no supervisory thing, just taking care of animals. It sounded great. I said, “Hey, don’t apologize for that.” I said, that would just kind of be my ideal thing to finish out, you know, some quote golden years, or… Read More
Not as much as when Rudy Rudran was there. There are some international students going through the George Mason University that are there, but we’re not having the big groups of people come in, like we’d had 20 or more people would come in, and stay for several months, and… Read More
Yeah, after I got back from three years in Thailand, I got bored again doing yard work and things, and so somebody mentioned that there was a job open at the Adelaide Zoo, so I applied and sent ’em my CV, and they called and interviewed me over the phone,… Read More
What did you know …” this asking him to have the specifics, which he didn’t have, you know, he just made the decision that he was gonna save money, so he was gonna close Front Royal, so then basically after, I guess, several months of hand ringing and you know,… Read More
And then some of the breeding, the captive breeding that we’d done on some of the species, and one of the senators of that out in Virginia called Small into his office and said, had asked him some very specific questions, like I guess senators do, “How much money are… Read More
Does it still have that international flavor where they’re bringing people from other countries in?… Read More
What brought that about, and that you’re aware of, and you think that would’ve been a good or a bad move to have done it?… Read More
Well basically hippo’s an aquatic animal. So you have the problem of them if they go in water, or if you dart ’em with a drug that causes ’em not to breathe, they drowned. So some of the early work where they used M99, or some of the narcotics, they… Read More
Well, that was during the tenure of Small, who was the Secretary of the Smithsonian, and he was a former CEO I believe of Fannie Mae or one of the big corporations, and he was used to, you know, not having to, I guess justify many of his decisions, and… Read More
Any story or so that was — Oh God, how long have we got here to talk?… Read More
Well, we’ve got time for at least two stories. Not, you know, not really. We had some close calls and stuff, but we usually kept safety as a major, you know, major concern we had. I had a giraffe fall on me, but fortunately I wasn’t hurt too bad, and… Read More
Why are they tougher than rhinoceros or giraffe, or others that your experience is given?… Read More
It was challenging, and you know, it was just great, we first started out doing elephants, as I said, for collecting sperm and doing that, we’re doing ’em all from ground vehicles, driving around looking for them, and maybe we’d find, oh maybe if you’re lucky, three elephants in a… Read More
What was it like dealing with animals in their natural habitat?… Read More
Were there any things that happened that in the bush, in the field that were unexpected?… Read More
Were the animals that you worked on chosen because of a specific problem in a zoo setting that you were trying to solve, or how were the animals chosen that you would work on?… Read More
I had to basically find, I had to apply for the money from our zoological society. I got some money from Ringlings to do some of this, some other grants, you know, I had to actually raise the money to do that when we had some free transportation, like from… Read More