Interview 14794 – Caption Index: 356
You know what airline should we put it on?… Read More
You know what airline should we put it on?… Read More
We gotta send you your rhino. When do you want, Lincoln Park told us you own this rhino. Read More
What we sent an animal to the Lincoln Park Zoo on loan, and then Lincoln Park was redoing their large mammal house, building a whole new super facility and they had to move the animals out and they sent it to Ohio. And I can’t think of the name of… Read More
If there’s no change of ownership, even though it’s crossing state lines, you don’t need that permit. ‘Cause I legally that animal, but zoos, there’s still, you wanted to move, you didn’t want to have a animal forever. I could tell you an example, one of the few times that… Read More
‘Cause it almost always comes down to a black and white issue. This is the way, you know, it’s gotta be done if you want to get past the management authority because you know, there were multiple authorities that would go off on a permit and things changed too. I… Read More
And I presume that you knew colleagues within the profession who also did it, was this the norm for curators to be able to do this kind of job?… Read More
Once again, every institution is unique, back in the early eighties, I won’t say there were that many, zoos may not have had the luxury of having full-time registrars, or just how they chose or how the staff managed. Some zoos were, I mean smaller, the curators had to write… Read More
All of this, you know, it became shared information with other zoos, through ISIS, they would be able to see the records and these animals, or you’d be able to send stuff to them. This ability to write permits is something you did. Read More
You couldn’t give any history about the animals initially to ISIS. It was just keeping the basic information and you would able, you’d have a hard copy and a paper copy and you’d send the paper copy to ISIS and you’d keep the hard copy. And that became the record,… Read More
What is, where was it born, parentage, what you paid for them, who you got it from?… Read More
Can you share anything with us about this whole experience and what it took for you to, in a sense, reorganize or modernize this and how did it affect the zoo?… Read More
It certainly affected, it was a task. It was a daunting task. And at times had help, at times I didn’t want the help. When we first started, computers weren’t even in the zoo. I remember when they first got the first IPM computer, it was huge, it was eighties… Read More
So we was bringing it. So I had the fun luck of he help capturing the muskox, which was, I don’t know if you want to go into that, but caught them, we flew them to Bethel, Bethel to Anchorage and Anchorage back to San Francisco. And I was with… Read More
So all of a sudden we changed our plan and started making the changes, the additions to what we were going to get. And it wound up that I got lucky enough to have to go up there. And we went up to flew up to, well, first, I flew… Read More
Everybody had their own land. And at times they’re saying, well, we can’t take extra animals. They wouldn’t allow other departments, fish and wildlife bring animals into their land. So in actuality, though we were talking about muskox, we had given up the possibility of getting muskox because of the… Read More
They were reintroduced. They were introducing the Canadians subspecies of muskox white fronted poster bar grill. So Alaska has establish the muskox on this island called Luna back island and the animals were doing well, the island could support 600 animals and after 600 animals, they would have to remove… Read More
There wasn’t a bunch of them in the country. We weren’t breeding enough. I believe if I remember correctly, the last 15 animals that were born, it was 11.4, which doesn’t make for a real large breeding stock. So, and then you had the problem with multiple males that you… Read More
It didn’t happen too often. The only time that I could remember that we wound up bringing animals in from the wild, I had company, other institutions pick them up. But muskox, when I went up to Alaska in the early eighties, when it was a great process that we… Read More
Were you able to go on acquiring trips during this time?… Read More
Were you dealing with animal dealers when you had to move animals out or bring animals in?… Read More