Interview 27708 – Caption Index: 98
I can’t imagine London Zoo has a major zoo library. Yeah, But there’re not many zoo libraries in the United States. Read More
I can’t imagine London Zoo has a major zoo library. Yeah, But there’re not many zoo libraries in the United States. Read More
And for some reason or other it had, it had sort of, maybe he had some other interest at the time, but came to us and said, or brother, his folks came to us and said, look, could you, could you have our zoo up and running in two months,… Read More
And so, goodness, that was why. But we said, yeah, we’ll see what we can do. So it landed up with organizing 800 animals. Now some of them were Liz little lizards and frogs and tiny little things. Some, some invertebrates right up to white rhinos. They already had two… Read More
Well, we had, we were lucky enough at London to have a very well staffed architectural department, which was there primarily for our own purposes. But because we had those skills on site, we were approached by, over, over the, over a period of years, approached by a number of… Read More
And, and in one or two cases, Doha and Qatar was a particular example where we actually went through the whole process and then, and then in the end managed that zoo for about five years. And, and at that particular time we, I was also for a short period… Read More
We had the pandas and the idea was knowing what was going on in American zoos at that time. We are looking now at the sort of 80, really the eighties, late seventies and eighties. What was going on in American zoos in the way of investment in, in better… Read More
How did that happen and why London Zoo and then can you relate a specific instance of you having to literally build an entire zoo?… Read More
So when we went back in Mag Maggie Thatcher’s time, we went back to Maggie and said, look, we, we, there’s no way that we can survive. This institution can’t survive without similar funding to the other great biological institutions in the, in the, in London, which were, as you… Read More
And, and actually right now we are okay financially. And they were fi they were okay financially up until, up until really the early fifties when so much else was available in the way of days out for the, the London and surrounding public. And of course the late fifties,… Read More
Well, with, with a lot of difficulty, I mean yes, yes. Soli Zuckerman was very good at, because he was a great networker, and particularly within his wealthy Jewish community, Jewish friends, they, the claw and the cottons in the exhibits named after those guys that, you know, wealthy businessmen… Read More
Can you discuss how the London Zoo was able to raise money?… Read More
But the expectation behind the scenes, certainly for us and others in the panda world, the western country, panda world, was that some of these animals should be, and from Mexico should actually be distributed. Particularly where again, I think there was a male left in Berlin, there was a… Read More
So this debate went on for quite some time. And in the end, in the end we lost that opportunity. And I always reckon that actually had that worked and those, some of those pandas from Mexico City had been distributed, we’d probably have a hundred pandas in the west… Read More
So they built, completely rebuilt those facilities. I mean they were being loaned the money to begin with and then the mail moved to Mexico City and they, and you can imagine the sort of how the London Press dealt with this and our other zoos couldn’t quite see what… Read More
Yes, it’s a, it’s a tale I’ve told several times to young Pando watches, you know, in the last 20 years. And it, it’s a, it’s a tale really of where cooperation failed and where people couldn’t see why cooperation in zoo species management was so important. We had this… Read More
Can you relate the history of pandas at the London Zoo, your role and why in some ways you say it’s a cautionary tale?… Read More
And Mexico City had also been given a pair. And, and they were one, I think at the time they were the only pair that were breeding and they produced the whole succession of females, four or five young females and then lost their breeding male. So, and they didn’t… Read More
I mean they, they were huge, but the very early ones and the, the people that were developing them, the companies developing them, all that equipment was based at the London teaching hospitals because we, either we couldn’t afford it or it wasn’t available at that time. And we built… Read More
So she would be sneaked in on a human stretcher covered in a, you know, to make sure I can imagine this panda’s head, you know, sticking outta the top of the, of the, of the cover of the strike being taken into the X-ray Department of Middlesex Hospital. Now… Read More
Yes. And, and, and they loved it. Not medical and dental. I mentioned guy, the gorilla unfortunately had all his teeth removed at one time. We had to feed him largely on yogurt for his later, you know, yogurt and bits and pieces put in the yogurt to make it… Read More