The problems are immense in preserving elephants, many other creatures, but especially with elephants, I suppose it’s only fair that a big animal causes a big problem. But elephants are very special. Now in a zoo, an elephant is marvelous thing. One of the earliest experiences I ever had with elephants in the old Bronx Zoo elephant house that impressed me, I was walking through the elephant house and this was an old fashioned elephant house with bars and a couple of great big elephants on the other side of the bars, and a little girl and her mother were standing there and the mother was trying to pull her a little girl away and I’d listened to them, the mother said, “Mary, you’ve seen lots of elephants on television.” And Mary said, “Yes, mom, but not like this, not like this.” The impact of an elephant, if it is properly exhibited is enormous. It really is. This in some ways is our cathedral. It’s huge, it’s immense. It makes you just to listen to it, breathe.