And Laurence had been such a wonderful chairman of the board. And Laurence agreed to take it for a while. He’d been associated with the society for 40 years and it was a part of his life and his world. And he cares very deeply and was very, here’s a man with a vision, the way he’s given parks and help the nation create parks, won the presidential medal of honor some years ago. To have him as our leader was my fondest dream. And he agreed to do so although he said, “Bill, as president of the society, I’ll be in the position of helping you with a lot of fundraising.” And I said, “Yes.” He said, “Nobody is going to give Laurance Rockefeller any money.” He was wrong. And he was an absolutely marvelous president and he did a lot more for the society and for conservation in this nation, in general than most people realize and we were just darn lucky. And when Laurence felt he should begin to step down, he helped convince Howard Phipps Jr.