Then later on, as you know, I mentioned before, they did make up some artificial water, according to that German formula, but they didn’t need as much water because of the one gallery that was closed down completely for so long. But after that was opened up, then we needed to bring up more water. Debated and debated, and a friend of mine said, “Why don’t you try a barge load?” I said, “Well, that sounds pretty good.” So I approached Mr. Chute and I explained to him how we could get a barge. And he always smoked a cigar, and he gripped the cigar, not here, but like Groucho Marx with this hand like this, and he took the cigar out of his mouth and he looked at me, and he said, “No.” That angered me quite a bit. So I just got up, and I stomped out the room before I got out. I think he was surprised that I did that. I said, “Well, don’t you ever even want to hear about it?” He says, “Oh, I’ll hear about it.” So I went back and sat down, and I talked more about it. And he picked up the telephone, and he called the chief engineer, and he says, “Come on up here a minute.” So chief engineer came up, and he says, “Braker here’s got an idea to get salt water in here,” and he talked.