Is this gonna be a good attraction in Chicago?” We talked about it for a minute. And (indistinct) came over, and again, I emphasized to Arnie. I said, “I’m not here to raise money.” (indistinct) came over and says, “Excuse me, Mr. Martin.” He says, “The governor, Jim Thompson, “is down at the sidewalk cafe having a hamburger. “He just likes to say, hello.” The governor had come into town to go salmon fishing, but it was too rough out there. So he came over to Illinois to have one of his hamburgers. So he says, “Come on, bring that stuff. “We’ll show the governor.” So I went downtown, and he said, “Show the governor what you got here.” And I laid this all out, and I talked to him for a half-hour. And he says, “You mean, we’re gonna have this in Chicago.” I said, “Yep, if we can raise the money, “we’re gonna have it.” We’ve got $5 million out of the State of Illinois.