Well, I think we had a good relationship with both institutions. There were a couple of maybe a little touchy things that we solved. Brookfield Zoo had put in here’s back their dolphin exhibit, Seven Seas Panorama, and that was torn down and the new dolphin thing. And when we were thinking about putting in the oceanarium, we went out and met with George Rab and director or the, excuse me, the president of the society. God help me with her name, please. I should know, it should come to me right away and it won’t. Penny, Penny Cohom, at that time, it was now Penny Beattie and said, we wanna put in the stall for an exhibit and I could see George kind of freeze-up and Penny kind of freeze up, and we said, we’re not gonna step on your toes. We’re gonna stay with cold water exhibits.