Earl Davis and Don Davis and Warren Thomas and I were all involved with the gorillas at the same time. Don and Warren, because he came on weekends, he was in veterinary school at Ohio State University and he had aspirations of being in the zoo business. So they decided to go ahead and see if these animals would be compatible together. Typically in those days, gorillas were kept separate because the males were always bigger and pretty rough on the females, but that was no way for breeding to occur. So, these young Turks, Don Davis and Warren decided, “Well, we’ll watch them closely, Mr. Davis, if you’d let us do that.” And so we put them together, we thought it looked like breeding was taking place, but we weren’t sure, they don’t show you very much of what’s going on, but we watched the female then getting rather large and we thought that that’s what was happening. And that was after several attempts at putting them together for breeding. And so in 1956, when Warren Thomas came to work one morning on a weekend and looked in the gorilla cage, there was Millie having this young gorilla being born. And he noticed that the animal was not able to breathe because it was still in the amniotic sac.