Well, first of all, I think the zoo’s better start thinking about where they’re gonna put their surplus and reach out to some of the ranchers, but they have to be willing as zoos to share and share alike in what as a result of that effort that the ranchers are doing. You can imagine what it cost to fence in 600 acres, for example, of a high fence on ranch land and maintain it, keep the coyotes out and all the things you have to do along with just holding even if it’s only deer you’re holding in there. It takes quite a bit. So, the zoos have to, and I hadn’t been able to accomplish that while I was on the board of AZA over the years. I did many years of board work with AZA, AAZPA, as it was once called. And I constantly talked in terms of their discounting what good can come from ranching and from so-called hunters as they wanna put it. And I didn’t get too far, but when it came down to admonishing people because of what their thoughts were about ranching, I finally, I had some meetings I got pretty vocal about that. And I said, “If you’re thinking in terms of admonishing ranchers before you know anything about them, I don’t belong to this organization any longer.” And I meant every word I said.