John John McFarlin was a good friend. He was a sort of eccentric, some people thought. I found him to be very interested and interesting. That was the first million dollar gift I ever got. And that was for the children’s zoo. And I talked to almost everyone about the children’s zoo project at one time before we started the project and when Rotary took it on, it was $3 million. And when we got to the $2 million mark and I had already talked to John McFarlin about it, John said, “I’m right in the middle of giving a gift to the children’s hospital. I really can’t handle much more right now.” So I went back to them when we had the $2 million project, we were that far along and he said, “Well, how are you doing?” I said, “We’ve got 2 million and it looks pretty good.” He said, “Well, how much do you need?” He was very, he was anxious to get it done.