That by the way, had already put together these people. For example, I had some excellent people who are craftsmen. They could make artificial wood out of concrete, you know, and beautiful. They had special dyes that they developed in Mexico that looked like tree bark. So I said to this one fellow, he said, “Well, I used to work as a, I mixed the concrete for the artists, but he died and we don’t have him” and I said, “Well, now you are the artist.” And I said, “From now on, you’re gonna make those trees.” And I said, “I want you to make one tomorrow and you show it to me.” And sure enough, by gosh, he made a pretty darn good looking tree out of concrete. And for the next 15 years, he worked for me doing that. And it just started from that African exhibit into then Amazonia along the waterway, down in the center of the zoo. I had the water, I had the big oak trees and cypress around the waterway.