Well, it certainly was self-teaching in the sense that I had a lot to learn, but in terms of going to other zoos, yes, I did a good deal of that. In fact, early on probably the year after I became involved, I took a six-week tour of the United States. I left my family, I just picked up and drove essentially throughout the country and visited every major zoo in the United States. And I was up and down and cleared back on the east coast and so forth and talked to the veterinarians there. And sometimes (clears throat) I found appalling situations at some zoos. In fact, I remember going one zoo that I had an appointment to visit the director. And I was so appalled at the zoo when I walked through the front gate that I turned around and walked out. But in other cases, I had good experiences with the people in the zoo and gleaned as much as I could to help me.