And he built that up to a point where he had a lot of different animals. It was a place where animals that were confiscated from various sundry agencies could go and then ultimately went through various directors. He just, he was a pioneer, not schooled in care of animals, but he had an intuitive part associated with him and he learned the ropes. And in fact, on one occasion, we had one of TB tests, tuberculosis test, a group of macaques that were on an island exhibit with a motive enclosure, and we would normally take them into the night house and catch them there, but one animal, we couldn’t do it. So we went out on to the island with a net to try and catch this one animal, and he jumped in the water and swam out. And I was a neophyte, a zoo veterinarian at that point in time, and I got out my gun and the animal went up a tree. So the intrepid veterinarian with his capture gun went up the tree a little bit, and he jumped to another tree. After a couple of times doing this, Hank Spenser came up to me and said, “Murray,” he says, “I wanna show you something.” He says, “Put your gun away, go away and the monkey will come over to the side of the pool.