And that’s one of the things that I think may be lacking as far as modern zoo veterinarians is they have just focused right down the line on medicine and neglected the biology. And I think that was important. But the way I really ended up is that the dean of the veterinary school at the time, after I’d been there about 10 years, decided that he wanted to have a wildlife person on the faculty. There wasn’t a wildlife veterinarian on any faculty anywhere in the world at that time. And he put up notices saying, “Hey, apply for this position.” Two years, not an applicant, and he was very frustrated at this. Well, nowadays, if you put out that same notification, you’d get 200 applications, but he didn’t get any. One day he was bemoaning this in essentially a faculty meeting that he couldn’t get anybody to apply, ’cause there were no people trained to do it. And after listening to him for a minute or two, I said, “Well, why don’t you let me do it?” And he tossed the ball and it was all uphill or downhill, whichever you wanna call it from then on.