And then while we were watching, I saw its lips start to move and it spit out the pill. And at that point in time, I gained an appreciation for the strength of the 40-pound chimpanzee, because eventually I had somebody, this was a fairly tame chimp, do a full Nelson wrestling hold on this chimp. And I had a person on each arm and each leg, and these were essentially five adults holding onto this animal, and the animal was moving around still, but I was ultimately able to give an intravenous injection and anesthetize that animal. So strength, agility, movement, quickness of movement, all these things I learned and added to the repertoire of my experience that would occur later on. Now you started your own practice in ’55, but what made you decide, “I wanna work on my own?” No, I never did my (clears throat) own practice. I worked for Daikin and Aw, and then I went directly to the university. What made you decide that I didn’t wanna continue working in this kind of practice. Practice situation.