As I said, I was raised in the Salt Lake Valley on a small farm. And at the time it was a very poor farm, and we were poor people. We went to the area first to live in a tent because the home that we eventually acquired was an adobe shack that needed a roof on it. So we did the things that were necessary to get that house in order. I was a small child at the time, but I participated in this and helped my mother do canning in a tense situation because this was during the depression and we had to provide for ourselves, and that’s the reason that we went to the farm, my folks went to the farm, is so that they could supply for food. And although we didn’t have money, we had plenty to eat. And my father was a pharmacist, who worked in Salt Lake City at a pharmacy, and traveled away from the house a good deal. So that essentially it was my older brother and my mother and I that did the farm work over the period of years.