Zoo directors, particularly of large zoos have a major job running a big business. And as a result of that, we’re getting non-animal oriented people into the business, and that’s not bad as long as they surround themselves with good people that are animal oriented. And the thing that is my big hangup is that zoo directors, non-animal oriented zoo directors should not be the last word on medical matters, or even animal care. That to me is a curatorial responsibility and/or veterinary responsibility. I don’t think they need to have the total say so, but they need to have a voice in it. So they do need to be business administrators, they do need to be financial savvy people, that’s perfectly all right. But if they have surrounding them, those kinds of people, and they allow input from all the rank and file, not every person in the zoo, but they need to have some mechanism for input from all aspects of zoo medicine and curatorial activities. Now some number of zoo directors are veterinarians.