And I guess I have utilized my colleagues maybe from a plagiaristic standpoint, more than other people have, but I haven’t been reticent to employ the information that I have gained from colleagues in furthering the profession, in furthering the life of animals, doing good things for the animals, so that we just did what we needed to do with anesthesia. In addition, we learned, I had a graduate student that did a lot of work with inhalation anesthesia, and species. We reported on information that we had gathered, we used the world literature. And that’s another important thing is we learned earlier in the course of things that we weren’t the only people that were doing this work, the Germans have been doing quite a bit of work. In fact, the first book on zoo animal medicine was a German book written in the German language. It was subsequently translated into English, and it came out just prior to the first publication of zoo and wild animal medicine. And so we look to other countries for that help.