And some institutions have good people, or get donations. The San Diego zoo and the New York Zoological Conservation Society are premier in this. But a zoos can do research, not necessarily invasive veterinary research, but certainly invasive veterinary related research. And anything that enhances the life of an animal, whether it be it’s proper nutrition or improvement in reproductive performance, these things are research as long as they are following a protocol, in other words, the research principles of delineating what you wanna find out about, then testing it and getting the results and then reporting it. These are important things, and so just the behavioral observations of keepers with animals, and having time to do that behavioral work, to train animals, having resource to train animals, these contribute to conservation because it may enhance the life of an animal so that we don’t have to acquire those animals from the wild, in many cases now we can’t acquire them from the wild. And so we’ve got to do everything we can to improve reproductive performance. And that comes about by research. During your career, what…