I sometimes had hope that we could do somewhat the same thing with some of the student protests at some of our universities here, but that doesn’t go on our culture. But Uganda is at that in time was certainly a vicious dictatorship, but it gave me the opportunity to see that country and its animal life. I got a chance to interact with elephants, I got a chance to interact with carnivores, I was there for domestic animals, but I was given a vehicle and I could travel all over the country. And I did this pretty muchly without concern for my own safety. Shouldn’t maybe have not felt that way, but I saw every part of that country, saw some of the special challenges that were taking place. While I was there, I had an opportunity to interrelate with other veterinarians from outside the country, from some of the British of veterinarians and teaching. And I really enjoyed working with the students. And interestingly, I was able to work with a lot of female students there at the level of the college, they were on an equal footage with men, but before then they were very second class citizens.