A lot of the things that have happened to me over the years have happened because I was prepared to respond to a request. And certainly that was the case. I was on a sabbatical leave, working at the San Diego zoo with keeper training programs, and the dean of school of veterinary medicine in Uganda visited Davis and talked to my dean. And he said, “I desperately need somebody to help teach this new school.” It was being developed in Uganda. “I need a clinical person, a person who knows something about dealing with other cultures, other animal species, and so forth. And could you please recommend somebody to me?” And my dean called me at San Diego and said, “I’ve got this opportunity for you and I’d like you to go.” It wasn’t any edict that I had to go, they gave me the opportunity and he extended my sabbatical leave to allow that essentially as a resident a professor at that veterinary school. And that was a very satisfying situation. I first went over there by myself, later on my wife joined me, but I had the opportunity to actually be very involved with that dean who happened to be very outspoken against Idi Amin Dada, who was many of you know, would be the dictator at that point in time.