And I had many occasions when students would use profanity excessively, and I couldn’t understand that in some situations, but I’ve talked to people, because they are not able to express themselves, and they just use profanity to emphasize this, that, and the other thing. And I contend that it’s because they don’t have enough vocabulary to express themselves without using those statements. It has been a very grading thing for me to listen to women, in particular use these types of things. And yet it’s offensive to me to have men do it too. And I’ve stood up in a meeting where a presenter started showing inappropriate pictures, pornographic pictures, literally, degrading of womanhood. And I said, “Stop, this is offensive to me and hopefully to other people.” And I found out by a voice, a scent or clapping that there were other people that felt the same way. So I don’t tolerate that. I hope that I’m a tolerant individual of good conduct.