And I saw a young man probably in his twenties, maybe 25 or so walking up the trail or up the road with a group of young men that looked to be about 12 years of age. And I just had it in my mind, this guy has got a group of scouts with him. And I reached out with my left hand and shook his hand. And the left hand shake is the universal greeting for scouts worldwide. And he accepted my hand and we knew immediately that we’re both scouters, we couldn’t speak his language, he couldn’t understand ours, but he saw the dilemma and he left the boys with us and ran to a village where there was radio communication. And we got help to correct that situation because of that left handshake. There were the same all over the world, and we would do well if we could handshake either right or left hands with everybody else in the world. You said that you carry index cards of various sayings or quotations.