I went to what we call a wood badge, which is essentially graduate school for training scouters. I did that not only in the United States, but I did it in the home country for scouting, Great Britain. Lord Baden-Powell instituted a program called Camp Gilwell, where they trained scoutmasters and so forth in England. And I visited facilities there. In fact, the first scout encampment of the British Scouts was on a place called Brownsea Island, south of London or on the coast there. And so I’ve been intrigued with scouting not only for the natural history situation, but the principle of scouting is to my way of thinking preparation for citizenship. The scout oath starts with, on my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and to my country and to help other people at all times. And the scout law embodies interpersonal relationship like scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, brave, clean, and reverent.