Well, at that time, the zoo was a municipal zoo, very small budget, we talked about the superintendent so forth. And the zoological society was minimally active. When I first started working at the zoo, Hank Spencer very quickly said, “I want you to be a consultant.” And literally that’s what it was on a group of people that are interested in furthering the zoo. And so I became a member of that society and have been so since 1967. And during the course of that, our early jobs were to assist Hank in going to the city, asking for funds for this, that, and the other thing, or to actually undergo financial or donation situations from individuals. And we found that there were a lot of people that were in favor of the zoo, some that weren’t in favor of it, but we capitalized on those that were in favor of it. And we finally built ourselves up to a pretty good size group and I happened to be elected to… And I was frequently elected position then, now it’s more…