Well, there are many different kinds of things that have impacted veterinary medicine in general and human medicine. I think one of the more important things, as far as veterinary medicine is the adaption or adaptation of procedures or technologies that have been developed for human medicine for animal care. Including things like radiography and ultrasound and computerized, tomography, or CT scanning, MRIs, all of those things are utilized now, when we first started in the business, we didn’t have some of those or we didn’t utilize them. We were reluctant to seek help from some of these other specialized situations. And just like the zoo director, can’t be all things to all species of animals in a zoo, neither can the zoo veterinarian who frequently is a solo, may have assistance nowadays, but they can’t know everything about every species of animals. And so they have to work on this teamwork concept of the curators, the keepers, the veterinarians, the horticulturists, all of these people working together to improve the well-being not only of the animals, but the experience of people in the zoos. And I think this is a very important thing is that zoos exist for animals, and they also exist for people. And so all of those aspects need to come together.