I guess if I wanted to classify a phase or a facet of zoological medicine that was kind of special to me, it would be the surgery. I was trained as a horse surgeon, I knew how to do surgery, I didn’t back off, I could tackle anything. To remove a tumor from an animal’s leg two or three times, and then ultimately having to remove the leg because of the tumor was spreading, and then have that tiger go on and produce several offspring in the future was good. I’ve dealt with polar bears that I’ve… I did what we would call today, a colon cystectomy or a gallbladder removal in a polar bear. And that was a fun thing to do because I had to transport the polar bear from an acute situation, I mobilized it and took it to the university from the Lodi zoo, which was a long trip. And obviously animals can get over a drug or metabolize the drug. And I managed to get it to the university after being stopped by the highway patrol for speeding.