You don’t get close to a taper in terms of emotional closeness, but I could accomplish a lot with that animal by just going easy, stroking it and doing, I could do a rectal, not a palpation, but take a temperature and this sort of thing. So I think that zoo veterinarians have their likes and dislikes. Since I had a fear of snakes, people often said, “Well, do you hate snakes?” And I said, “No, I don’t hate snakes.” I accept them for what they are, but you don’t attach, get any attachments to most reptiles. But the thing that astounds me in the modern day is that even some of the reptiles can be trained to do things, crocodiles to allow certain examinations. And I’ve wrestled with alligators and crocodiles and this sort of thing in a physical staying situation to accomplish a given thing that now animals can be trained to do the same things. And we were talking about a restraint of animals, and I wanna talk about criminalization.