In thinking about different situations that transpired with working with elephants, I never personally have been involved in a close call working with elephants. But I remember one particular elephant actually in Wisconsin, in Madison, that Bill Lindsey and I, and he’s an alumnus essentially of Madison Veterinary School ’cause that’s where he did his residency in equine surgery. We went to visit that zoo, and we knew that the elephant that we were working with had a bad tooth. We dealt with that, but we also knew that there the companion elephant was a toughie. And we didn’t have any problems because they kept them separated, but Bill got called back not long after that and got involved with the elephant that had bad habits of hurting people, and he got too close to it, it hit him with a trunk and knocked him down, and I think it broke some ribs really battered him pretty good wall up. And I guess one of the first things that I learned was learn what the offensive and defensive characteristics, how they express themselves with different species of animals. That’s important with elephants. I’ve had elephants that have tried to crowd me a little bit.