I can talk that up from a standpoint of foot problems and elephants are always a special challenge. And when I first started, we dealt with physical restraint as the only means of examining those feet and treating foot problems. Nowadays with the advancement and training procedures and so forth, much of that can be prevented, much of it can be dealt with by proper training. And ultimately the development of relatively safe chemical restraint or sedation things have made elephant medicine important. But I think the special challenges for not necessarily from me, but from veterinarians dealing with elephants in general is dystopias or reproductive problems, the successful cesarean sections in elephants has not been very good, there’ve been just too many challenges associated with that and deaths of the animals subsequent to that. But I think foot problems are still the biggest challenge that veterinarians have. We’ve got better ways of treating it, we understand a little bit better about the healing process of wounds. The protection of wounds is necessity of protection of foot after handling is an important factor.