Over the years, I’ve worked for maybe three or four different ones, some of which I can’t even name right now, but size, one of the most controversial situations right now relative to elephants, is a company called Have Trunk Will Travel. And I know the Johnsons, I know them well, I’ve been on their ranch and I know that their capabilities and their interests and concerns for their animals, and they are being hammered on something fierce by animal rights extremists. I think that we’re all concerned about animal abuse and yet the extremists would have us not have animals in captivity at all, including pet animals, livestock animals, this sort of thing. And these people provide elephant rides, and they’re going through a phase right now where every time an organization such as the city or fairgrounds or something like that wants to have these elephants, they just hammer on them incessantly and try to get their boards of directors for these facilities to ban elephants, communities wanna ban them. It’s just wrong. This organization provides animals for the movies, in fact, the movie “Water for Elephants,” that was the Johnson’s elephant. Well, I got acquainted with Gary Johnson’s father because he brought an animal to me and it was the first animal that was ever castrated in the United States. And it was Gary’s father that owned that animal, actually got it from the Los Angeles Zoo because it was a danger to people, there were some incidents that brought that to the fore and they decided they were gonna get rid of this animal.