In fact, the best thing I think that they can do is to do a internship, or work for a good small animal practice or a good mixed animal practice before they have delve into zoo animals. ‘Cause you don’t have the numbers of cases. Somebody may agonize over lancing an abscess in a cat. Well, if you do in a zoo animal while it’s under anesthesia it may wake up before you make a decision, and having experienced that in a small animal practice and just doing it is important. And the other thing too, is that if a person gets into the zoo business, and decides that they don’t wanna do it, if they haven’t got that good background in medicine or in practice, they may not be able to make the switch back to doing other animals. But if they’ve done that before, know that they can do veterinary medicine with other species of animals, they’re much better person, they get more experience.