Well, that’s an interesting question. And it was very important to me because I learned how to cooperate with other personnel, other medical personnel, even before I started with the zoo business. I was in a research project with some human thoracic surgeons who dealt with cancer and so forth, but they also dealt with a disease called emphysema. And we used the horse as a model because of my experience with equine surgery, I was asked to be a part of that team. And we developed techniques essentially for doing chest surgery in horses that had never been done before. One of the first groups that had done it, in fact, even today, I have more experience with thoracic surgery in a horse than anybody else in the world, ’cause we did over a hundred animals with open chest surgery. And I was working with physicians and dentists, oral surgeons, the whole gamut of medical specialists. In fact, one of the people that I worked with there was one of the first people to use the stapler in cardiac surgery.