“You know, for our 1992.” And I didn’t think anything about it. ’cause other zoological parks had done it, but it came to little old Columbus Zoo back in 1992, do it, and I think what happened was, I think the AZA knew that there’s a little old Columbia Zoo and they can make a point here, but the other zoos that had them, I won’t go back and name the names, just look it up in the archives, or if you want to, were a little bit bigger zoos, and better known zoos than us. So they weren’t gonna mess with those zoos, but they were gonna make a point, AZA was, with our zoo, to stop the short-term breeding loans. And yes, that was probably good. I’m not saying it was perfect. I’m not saying that we did anything wrong. And today, I think some of these animals that about going down the tube should be on short breeding loans. You know, not breeding loans, short loans.