Somebody can say, “Jack, you’re using the animals to make a lot of money.” I just told what kind of money’s involved. No, that’s not quite it. I still believe that while I was teaching on Letterman, there was college students back then, especially, they can learn something. Even though it was fun, they laughed, that audience is a tough one for you to do on David Letterman, even today. Good Morning America, it’s sometimes, back when you could be sure to get into some places, I could do David Letterman at night, Good Morning America the next morning and get there at 6:00 a.m., I could do Fox and Friends. I can do a tape of Larry King, one-hour special, the whole thing. We did that for 21 years, four times a year. I can do three and four shows a day in New York that way with that one set of animals.