They thought I might be avoiding it, but I wasn’t because my best man at my wedding, my five best friends were all killed in Vietnam in eight months. So, you know, I knew I had to do something, but therefore I got removed out on a medical thing after two, after a year-and-a-half, two years in the reserves. Came back, I came back obviously in the reserves, and to run my pet shop and all that stuff. That was on the start of the first board of the Knoxville Zoo, by the way, little old Knoxville Zoo. They called it the Appalachians Zoological Society, never forget as long as I live. Guy Smith was the director back then. He have the head of a TV station ’cause nobody knew anything about what was going on in zoos. So that’s kinda how Pet Kingdom got involved in all this stuff and ended up, you know, helping the Knoxville Zoo.