You educate them in a zoo and they’ve left here going, “Golly, I didn’t know the giraffe “had the same number of vertebrae we had. “I saw that up there at the zoo, I didn’t know.” And they came here for Dora the Explorer, or Spiderman, or the light show, or the Easter egg hunt or the pile of ice cream. And we have something every weekend from May until September, not taking away from the animals, but we’re trying to get them in the gates to teach them about the animals. And I’ll sit there and debate it with any zoo person in the entire world. And a lot, people, most all of them are much brighter than I am. All I know is what works. And I’ve seen the results of it here at the Columbus Zoo. And if you want to take a tour today, it’s not the best time of year, obviously, about another two weeks, it will be magnificent, but you’ll see what we’ve done here.