And so the woman that invited me I told her, I said, “I hope that one gray-haired lady. She took notes all through my whole talk, but then she left early.” I said, “I hope I didn’t offend her.” She says, “You know who that was?” I said, “No.” She said, “That’s Mrs. Marlin Perkins.” I said, “Oh really?” So a couple days later, I got a call from Marlin Perkins. He said, “Mr. Hoessle, my wife tells me you gave an interesting talk to the ladies at the science museum. And she said she thought that I should be working for you at the zoo.” And he says, “Wonder if you’d like to come out and visit with me.” I told him, “I’d love to. I’d love to.” And I said, “By the way, I’m a friend of Moody Lentz. I’ve known Moody for a long time.” He says, “Well I know. I mentioned it to Moody.” He said, “We have an opening at the zoo.” Well at that time, I had three kids. The discount stores were all gettin’ the pet departments and department stores putting in pets. Some of ’em were selling birdcages cheaper than I could buy ’em.