But when he’s sittin’ there layin’ back, every scale mark was around his neck that he died from asphyxiation by the snake. The snake was it.” He asked me, “How big was that snake?” I said, “Well we haven’t measured it yet.” They brought the snake to the zoo, police did and we put it in a cage. I said, “We didn’t measure it, but he’s a big sucker.” That quote was in the newspaper the next day and I got a lot of flack about that, but we did take the snake out and measure him. He’s 12-feet long. And then we took him outside the reptile house. We had six keepers lined up, took his picture and that picture went out all over the country on APS News where the picture showed up. I got people sendin’ me the picture from Germany and Australia and Africa. Dr. George Johnson who was a writer on science website.