I had hoped to have quite honestly an education center which we were able to build, a living world and go deeper into public education. So we developed exhibits. One was the diversity of life showing the great diversity from the animal kingdom from the invertebrates to the fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals and finally the highest order in the animal kingdom: man. And so we had a reproduction of the prehistoric man, Australopithecus on display. And we also had an (mutters), whatever they call a mechanical man who was Darwin, Charles Darwin who stood there and talked about his theory of heredity and evolution. That was a Discovery of Life exhibit. And then we also had live animals, fish in aquariums and mammals, birds, everything represented in one room. And then we also had an Ozark stream, a living stream, where we had a reproduction aquarium about 60-feet long that had all the native fish, minnows, small mouth bass, rock bass, goggle-eye.