Well for one thing, we’re tryin’ to do research on breeding elephants in captivity. So we did some experimental work with collecting semen from a bull elephant in Kansas City and shipping it by Greyhound bus. And then taking the semen was in capsules and the veterinarians would take the capsules and put ’em through, enter ’em into the female elephants and mash the capsule and try to impregnate the elephants. And we sent a reproductive biologist to Africa where they were culling elephants. And so the elephants that were culled, she autopsied the females and removed their female tract in order to find out how long they were, how deep they were. And apparently our arms weren’t long enough to impregnate an elephant and that’s when we learned that. By then, we were able to measure the cycle. We knew when our female elephants were cycling in estrus.