All the rest of ’em were not well-educated. Some of ’em even were supervisor or head keepers only because they had years in seniority. They didn’t have any particular. That was a shock to me that they had now no interest in animals or any sense of sanitary procedures or basic, basic biology. So as I became the assistant curator of education, I did start a keepers training program where we would try to get the trainers, the keepers in the education department in the classroom and teach ’em basic sanitary procedure. We also teamed up with the Laboratory Animal Science organization in St. Louis that had a cadre of instructors and we brought them in and help us do training program. But mostly what we could do is get the younger, newer teachers, newer keepers that were coming in, had some college and definitely had high school education. And so we were able to achieve a great deal more with the young keepers.