Sometimes we did things that you might not want to do if you were in a private zoo. We had all kinds of, literally programs that were non-zoo related just to get bodies through the gate. But I realized how important they were. And eventually, we were clever enough and entrepreneurial enough that we narrowed these down, that they became more animal-oriented. When I first came, like the food and home show, I was glad to get- We had literally a group of rides in the zoo, a Ferris wheel, small play land, and the kids would come in and wreak havoc in play land, and then be all wound up to tear the rest of the zoo apart. There was very little supervision. Teachers would come in and they would sit in the restaurant and let the kids run wild. And eventually one child tipped a fountain over on himself and got himself injured, and that really changed things dramatically, as far as supervision, or we weren’t gonna let them in the zoo, it was that simple.