Well, we had a- I had a distinct advantage in obtaining the directorship in Cincinnati, because the number of board members knew and had observed my operating of the zoo in the curatorial sense for a long time. We had a couple of board members that used to frequent the zoo on weekends with their families, and I would be the one that would take them around and I would explain what we were doing, and I began to improve the exhibits, tremendous improvement in exhibits. We had a lot of cyclone fence, which I don’t think belongs in a zoo. That’s a personal opinion. And so removed a lot of fences. We started to remove- There were a lot of tar and concrete in the zoo. I remember my first introduction to our head gardener, he came out of the greenhouse sleepy-eyed in house slippers, spit-shined house slippers, and he wanted me to blacktop a lovely area that we had flowers. He said he preferred that blacktop.