My first title, I replaced an animal- The title at that time was animal superintendent. And I asked Bill to change the title to general curator. I preferred that title, which he did. I remember those early years, teaching these people to work with animals was another experience altogether. I remember one time I came into an area, it was a rotunda area and the keepers were trying to catch a small cat and they put the box in the middle of the cage, and the animal’s obviously circling around the box. So all I did was kick the box over to the wall and the cat ran in, and boy, that man is smart. And I remember Clarence, the superintendent, the gentleman that I was, he was retiring, I was taking his position, he was just a big old gentle guy, and I remember a fellow- We had a problem with a cat, a tiger. The tiger was ataxic, and I had to go in with a kind of another keeper.