You’ve mentioned tax levies. We were in a quandary for a long time on moving the zoo forward. And the only way I saw out of this dilemma was that we had to go after tax dollars. Now my board then was composed of many conservatives, and conservatives don’t like taxes. And they think they’re not a likely group to vote for you to even to go out and ask for taxes. So I had that selling job to do, but I told them, I kind of, we’d made our graphs and details that if we didn’t somehow generate additional revenues outside of our gate and obviously the concession monies and membership that we were gonna start sliding backwards. So I got them to agree, and we went to the county commissioners and I got a county commissioner that was on our side and he helped sell it to the other commissioners, and we were able to pass, I forget what the amount of levy was, but I think it was somewhere like a $15 million period over a five-year period, something like that. I don’t remember exactly at this point.