Our fundraising, we started out our initial fundraising back in the 70s using key board people that were movers and shakers. Bill Williams, who was one of the former owners of the Cincinnati Reds, Southern Insurance Company and Oliver Gail, and they would go out and they would find a prospect, they’d bring them back to the zoo, we would dine. I was at the zoo, I was waiting for them, we would have a little lunch for them. Then I would explain the project and they would ask them for a certain dollar amount where they thought they were comfortable and could support us. And at that first drive, we raised $15,000, which was big money for us at that time. And that started off our capital program. Later, as we began to get a little more sophisticated and our need for larger amounts of money developed, we hired a professional marketing director, I mean a development director, I’m sorry. And then we hired an marketing firm when we began a campaign.