Politics, we really- As a preface society, we had very little pressure from the politicians, but of course, when we went to pass a levy and we started getting county tax dollars, we then started to feel some, ’cause politicians started getting pressure. So we had to provide certain free days. Well, they weren’t necessarily, they were half price days, but, and then that was a new thing for us, and then we had to do other things and they were strictly- It was different than working for a society. Society, you had a little freer hand, than politically working from- And I worked on the political spectrum and I worked on a political spectrum in Los Angeles and I kind of took a shine to it. I liked the crossing with the, you know, crossing words and working with politicians. I’d rather enjoyed that in LA basically because there were a number of them that had a good interest in the zoo. That makes a difference. But we tried to create that interest in Cincinnati too, but we never were able to do it to the extent, because LA is very, you know, at the time, at least when I was there, was very obviously very political and run by the city.