My interest developed in amphibians- We were on a collecting trip to central Ohio and I brought out a couple of plethodons and one of the herps with me said you can’t keep them alive, they don’t live, and well, for a zoo man, there’s the first challenge. Make them live or get them to live or to get them to thrive. So I took them home. There were a couple of species of plethodon. I don’t remember specifically- Maybe they were glutinosus, and then there was even a smaller species, I don’t remember exactly. There’s a number of smaller little brown things that occur there. So I took them and I kept them, and one was alive 25 years later. So I had an established- And then on the more I looked into zoos, there was very little being done, so I was ahead of my time, because all of a sudden amphibians were on the front line.